CLICK Your Choice
Level 1: $2000 Full page ad in our brochure as lunch sponsor. Table-top tent style
announcement as lunch sponsor on all tables, PR on outside of ditty bags, advertising on our web page for one year. Advertising announcement as providing First Place Team Prizes, and one hole sign.
Level 2: $1000: Includes golf fees for 4 Veterans, full page ad in our brochure, advertising on our web page for one year, advertising as providing Second Place Team Prizes.
Level 3: $500: Half page ad in our brochure, advertising on our web page for one year, advertising as providing Third Place Team Prizes.
Level 4: $250: Includes golf fees for 1 randomly selected Veteran, hole sign
Level 5: $100: hole sign
Level 6: $50: Business card size advertising in our brochure